Dr inż. Piotr Sitarek, prof. PWr  


  1. J. Misiewicz, G. Sęk, P. Sitarek, monografia pt: "Spektroskopia fotoodbiciowa struktur półprzewodnikowych", Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław 1999.
  2. J. Misiewicz, P. Sitarek, G. Sęk, "Introduction to the photoreflectance spectroscopy of semiconductor structures", Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław 1999.
  3. J. Misiewicz, G. Sęk, P. Sitarek, "Podstawy spektroskopii modulacyjnej półprzewodników", Dolnosl±ska Agencja jerG, Wrocław 1998 - materiały pomocnicze dla studentów WPPT oraz WEMiF.
  4. K. Sierański, P. Sitarek, K. Jezierski, "Repetytorium. Wzory i prawa z objaśnieniami", Oficyna Wydawnicza Scripta, 2002.


  1. A. Musial, M. Mikulicz, P. Mrowinski, A. Zielinska, P. Sitarek, P. Wyborski, M. Kuniej, J.P. Reithmaier, G. Sęk, M. Benyoucef,
    "InP-based single-photon sources operating at telecom C-band with increased extraction efficiency",
    Applied Physics Letters, 118 221101 (2021).
  2. M. Chrzanowski, G. Zatryb, P. Sitarek, A. Podhorodecki,
    Effect of Air Exposure of ZnMgO Nanoparticle Electron Transport Layer on Efficiency of Quantum-Dot Light-Emitting Diodes,
  3. M. Chrzanowski, M. Bański, P. Sitarek, J. Misiewicz and A. Podhorodecki,
    "Quantum-dot light-emitting diode with ultrathin Au electrode embedded in solution-processed phosphomolybdic acid",
    RSC Advances, 9 10754 (2019).
  4. R. Kudrawiec, P. Sitarek, M. Gladysiewicz, J. Misiewicz, Y. He, Y. Jin, G. Vardar, A.M. Mintarov, J.L. Merz, R.S. Goldman, K.-M. Yu, W. Walukiewicz,
    "Surface photovoltage and modulation spectroscopy of E- and E+ transitions in GaNAs layers",
    Thin Solid Films, 567 101 (2014).
  5. K. Ryczko, G.Sęk, P. Sitarek, A. Mika, J. Misiewicz, F. Langer, S. Höfling, M. Kamp,
    "Verification of band offsets and electron effective masses in GaAsN/GaAs quantum wells: Spectroscopic experiment versus 10-band kp modeling",
    Journal of Applied Physics, 113 233508 (2013).
  6. P. Sitarek, J. Misiewicz, Y.S. Huang, H.P. Hsu and K.K. Tiong,
    "Temperature dependent surface photovoltage spectra of type I GaAs1-xSbxGaAs multiple quantum well structures",
    Journal of Applied Physics, 113 073702 (2013).
  7. R. Kudrawiec, J. Kopaczek, P. Sitarek, J. Misiewicz, M. Henini and S.V. Novikov,
    "Unusual broadening of E0 and E0 + DSO transitions in GaAsBi studied by electromodulation spectroscopy",
    Journal of Applied Physics, 111 066103-1 (2012).
  8. P. Sitarek, K. Ryczko, J. Misiewicz, D. Reuter and A. Wieck,
    "Optical transitions between confined and unconfined states in p-type asymmetric GaAs/InGaAs/AlGaAs QW structures",
    Acta Physica Polonica A, 120 849 (2011).
  9. P. Sitarek, H.P. Hsu, Y.S. Huang, J.M. Lin, H.H. Lin, K.K. Tiong,
    "Optical studies of type-I GaAs1-xSbx/GaAs multiple quantum well structures",
    Journal of Applied Physics, 105 123523-1 (2009).
  10. A. Podhorodecki, G. Zatryb, P. Sitarek, J. Misiewicz, D. Kaczmarek, J. Domaradzki, A. Borkowska, E. Prociow,
    "Excitation mechanism of europium ions embedded into TiO2 nanocrystalline matrix",
    Thin Solid Films, 517 6331 (2009).
  11. H.P. Hsu, Y.N. Huang, Y.S. Huang, P. Sitarek, K.K. Tiong, C.W. Tu,
    "Evidence of type-II band alignment at the ordered GaInNP to GaAs heterointerface",
    phys. stat. sol. (a), 206 803 (2009).
  12. H.P. Hsu, Y.N. Huang, Y.S. Huang, Y.T. Lin, T.C. Ma, H.H. Lin, K.K. Tiong, P. Sitarek, J. Misiewicz,
    "Piezoreflectance and photoreflectance study of annealing effects on GaAs0.916Sb0.084 and GaAs0.906Sb0.075N0.019 films on GaAs grown by gas-source molecular beam epitaxy",
    phys. stat. sol. (a), 206 830 (2009).
  13. H.P. Hsu, Y.N. Huang, Y.S. Huang, Y.T. Lin, T.C. Ma, H.H. Lin, K.K. Tiong, P. Sitarek, J. Misiewicz,
    "Photoluminescence and photoreflectance study of annealing effects on GaAsSbN layer grown by gas-source molecular beam epitaxy",
    Journal of Applied Physics, 103 113508-1 (2008).
  14. M. Motyka, G. Sęk, R. Kudrawiec, P. Sitarek, J. Misiewicz, J. Wócik, B. J. Robinson, D. A. Thomson, P. Mascher,
    "Probing the indium clastering in InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells by room temperature contactless electroreflectance and photouminescence spectroscopy",
    Journal of Applied Physics, 101 16107 (2007).
  15. H.P. Hsu, P. Sitarek, Y.S. Huang, P.W. Liu, J.M. Lin, H.H. Lin and K.K. Tiong,
    "Photoluminescence and modulation spectroscopy studyof the effects of growth interruptions on the interfacesof GaAsSb/GaAs multiple quantum wells",
    phys. stat. sol. (a), 204 430 (2007).
  16. R. Kudrawiec, M. Motyka, M. Gładysiewicz, P. Sitarek, J. Misiewicz,
    "Photoreflectance and contactless electroreflectance spectroscopy of GaAs-based structures: The below band gap oscillation features",
    Applied Surface Science, 253 266-270 (2006).
  17. H.P. Hsu, P. Sitarek, Y.S. Huang, P.W. Liu, J.M. Lin, H.H. Lin andK.K. Tiong,
    "Modulation spectroscopy study of the effects of growthinterruptions on the interfaces of GaAsSb/GaAsmultiple quantum wells",
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter., 18 5927 (2006).
  18. Y.T. Liu, P. Sitarek, P.J. Huang, Y.S. Huang, F. Firszt, S. Łęgowski,H. Męczyńska, A. Marasek, W. Paszkowicz,
    "Characterization of Cd1-x-yBexZnySe mixed crystals viaelectromodulation spectroscopy",
    phys. stat. sol. (c), 3 734 (2006).
  19. P.J. Huang, P. Sitarek, Y.S. Huang, O. Maksimov, M.C. Tamargo, F. Firszt,H. Męczyńska,
    "Characterization of BexCd1-xSe alloys by contactless electroreflectance",
    phys. stat. sol. (c), 3 738 (2006).
  20. Y. T. Liu, P. Sitarek, Y. S. Huang, F. Firszt, S. Łęgowski, H. Męczyńska, A. Marasek,W. Paszkowicz, K. K. Tiong,
    "Temperature dependence of the edge excitonic transitions of the wurtziteCd1-x-yBexZnySe crystals",
    J. Appl. Phys., 98 083519 (2005).
  21. R. Kudrawiec, P. Sitarek, J. Misiewicz, S.R. Bank, H.B. Yuen,M.A. Wistey,J.S. Harris,
    "Interference effects in electromodulation spectroscopy applied to GaAs-based structures: a comparison of photoreflectance and contactless electroreflectance",
    Appl. Phys. Lett., 86 091115-1 (2005).
  22. P. Sitarek, H.P. Hsu, H.S. Chen, Y.S. Huang,J.S. Wang, C.M. Lai, L.C. Wei, R.S. Hsiao, S.Y. Lin and J.Y. Chi,
    "Surface photovoltage spectroscopy and photoluminescence studyof vertically stacked self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dots",
    Proceedings of 5th IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology, Nagoya, Japan, July 2005.
  23. B. ¦ciana, D. Radziewicz, B. Paszkiewicz, M. Tłaczała, P. Sitarek, R. Kudrawiec, J. Misiewicz, J. Kovac, M. Florovic,
    "Investigation of MOVPE growth of silicon delta-doped GaAs epilayers and InxGa1-xAs/GaAs strained quantum wells",
    Vacuum, 74 263 (2004).
  24. J. Misiewicz, G. Sęk, R. Kudrawiec, P. Sitarek,,
    "Photomodulated reflectance and transmittance: optical characterisation of novel semiconductor materials and device structures",
    Thin Solid Films, 450 14 (2004).
  25. R. Kudrawiec, G. Sęk, P. Sitarek, K. Ryczko, J. Misiewicz, T. Wang, A. Forchel,
    "Three beam photoreflectance as a powerful method to investigate semiconductor heterostructures",
    Thin Solid Films, 450 71 (2004).
  26. J. Misiewicz, P. Sitarek, G. Sęk, R. Kudrawiec,,
    "Semiconductor heterostructures and device structures investigated by photoreflectance spectroscopy",
    Mater. Sci., 21 263 (2003).
  27. J. Misiewicz, P. Sitarek, K. Ryczko, R. Kudrawiec, M. Fischer, M. Reinhardt, A. Forchel,
    "Influence of nitrogen on carrier localization in InGaAsN/GaAs single quantum wells",
    Microelectron. J., 34 737 (2003).
  28. P. Sitarek, K. Ryczko, G. Sęk, J. Misiewicz, M. Fischer, M. Reinhardt, A. Forchel,
    "Optical investigations of InGaAsN/GaAs single quantum well structures",
    Solid State Electronics, 47 489 (2003).
  29. B. ¦ciana, D. Radziewicz, B. Paszkiewicz, M. Tłaczała, M. Utko, P. Sitarek, G. Sęk,J. Misiewicz, R. Kinder, J. Kovác and R. Srnanek,
    "MOVPE technology and characterisation of silicon d-doped GaAs and AlxGa1-xAs",
    Thin Solid Films, 412 55 (2002).
  30. P. Sitarek, R. Kudrawiec, G. Sęk J. Misiewicz, R. Paszkiewicz, R. Korbutowicz, B. Paszkiewicz, M. Tłaczała,
    "Photoreflectance investigations of GaN epitaxial layers",
    Material Science And Engineering B82, 209 (2001).
  31. P. Sitarek, J. Misiewicz, E. Veje,
    "Franz-Keldysh oscillations in photoreflectance spectra of complex AlxGa1-xAs structures",
    Adv. Mater. Opt. Electron. 10, 261 (2000).
  32. B. ¦ciana, D. Radziewicz, I. Zborowska-Lindert, B. Boratyński, R. Czernecki, P. Sitarek, J. Misiewicz, M. Tłaczała,
    "Technology and characterization of rezonant cavity enhenced MSM GaAs photodetectors",
    Electron Technology 33, 404 (2000).
  33. J. Misiewicz, P. Sitarek, G. Sęk,
    "Photoreflectance spectroscopy of low-dimensional semiconductor structures",
    Opto-Electr. Rev. 8, 1 (2000).
  34. J. Misiewicz, G. Sęk, P. Sitarek,
    "Photoreflectance spectroscopy applied to semiconductors and semiconductor heterostructures",
    Optica Applicata 29, 327 (1999).
  35. P.Sitarek, J. Misiewicz, E. Veje,
    "Photoreflectance investigations of AlxGa1-xAs\GaAs band-gap dependence on Al content",
    Proc. SPIE 3725, 205 (1999).
  36. P.Sitarek, J. Misiewicz, K. Nauka,
    "Partially strained Si1-xGex/Si structures investigated by photoreflectance spectroscopy",
    Proc. SPIE 3725, 214 (1999).
  37. A.M. Kapitonov, S.M. Kachan, A.N. Ponyavina, S.V. Gaponenko, V.N. Bogomolov, A.V. Prokofiev, P. Sitarek, J. Misiewicz,
    "Light-induced modification of 3D photonic band structure detected by means of photoreflection",
    Acta Physica Polonica A 95, 335 (1999).
  38. P. Sitarek, J. Misiewicz, K. Nauka,
    "Photoreflectance spectroscopy of strained Si1-xGex/Si epilayers",
    Electron Technology 31, 409 (1998).
  39. P. Sitarek, J. Misiewicz, G. Karczewski, T. Wojtowicz, J. Kossut,
    "CdTe/Cd1-xMnxTe quantum structures investigated by photoreflectance spectroscopy",
    Electron Technology 31, 311 (1998).
  40. P. Sitarek, G. Sęk, J. Misiewicz, T.S. Cheng,
    "Investigations of allowed and forbidden transitions in (AlGa)As/GaAs multiple quantum wells",
    Vacuum 50, 203 (1998).
  41. P.Sitarek, G. Sęk, J. Misiewicz, T.S. Cheng,
    "Above-barrier states investigations in (AlGa)As/GaAs quantum structures by using photoreflectance spectroscopy",
    Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. 152, 657 (1998).
  42. K. Jezierski, P. Sitarek, J. Misiewicz, M. Panek, B. ¦ciana, R. Korbutowicz, M. Tłaczała,
    "Surface and interface of GaAs/SI-GaAs structures investigated by photoreflectance spectroscopy",
    Vacuum 48, 277 (1997).
  43. P.Sitarek, J. Misiewicz, O.P. Hansen,
    "2D hole gas in GaAs/(AlGa)As heterostructures investigated by photoreflectance spectroscopy",
    Proc. SPIE 3179, 129 (1997).
  44. J. Sadowski, E. Dynowska, K. Szamota-Sadowska, W. Przedpełski, P. Sitarek, K. Świątek,
    "Properties of MBE grown CdYbTe and ZnYbTe on GaAs (100) substrates",
    Journal of Crystal Growth 159, 1075 (1996).
  45. J. Misiewicz, K. Jezierski, P. Sitarek, P. Markiewicz, R. Korbutowicz, M. Panek, B. Ściana, M. Tłaczała,
    "Photoreflectance characterization of GaAs and GaAs/(AlGa)As structures grown by MOCVD",
    Adv. Mater. Opt. Electron. 5, 321 (1995).
  46. J. Misiewicz, G. Sęk, M. Ciorga, P. Sitarek, M. Kamińska, K. Regiński, J. Muszalski,
    "Photoreflectance measurements of GaAs-AlGaAs heterostructures grown by MBE",
    Electron Technology 29, 139 (1995).
  47. K. Jezierski, P. Sitarek, J. Misiewicz, M. Panek, B. ¦ciana, R. Korbutowicz, M. Tłaczała,
    "Interface and surface subsignals in photoreflectance spectra for GaAs/SI-GaAs structures",
    Acta Physica Polonica A 88, 751 (1995).
  48. P.Sitarek, J. Misiewicz, G. Karczewski, T. Wojtowicz, J. Kossut,
    "Delta-doped CdTe/CdMnTe multiple quantum wells investigated by photoreflectance spectroscopy",
    Acta Physica Polonica A 88, 901 (1995).
  49. M. Komorowska, P. Sitarek, J. Misiewicz,
    "Electron Paramagnetic Resonance in Zn3P2",
    Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 144, 189 (1994).
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